Monday, May 15, 2006

4th Runner Up is Better Than 5th Place

As you all know, I've been participating in the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Jingle Contest for what seems like the past 4 years. Actually it's only been 2 weeks but it seems like forEVER.

Well the contest ended this morning and as expected, I lost. Now, not quite as expected but also not surprising, I got last place. The whole process has kinda been really random. Starting with the day we actually wrote and recorded our jingles (which is written in the blog entry titled "Kidd Kraddick Jingle Contest!") and ending with other contestants racking up MILLIONS (literally) of votes and little me only having 1%. But that's OK- I can make it, I have lots of family and friends who can console me through this difficult time.

So now, I would like to present to you, as an official 5th place winner (isn't fifth place a green ribbon?) other people in the world who have finished 5th place in THEIR competitions and how this proves there is still hope out there for us all.

1. The Night Flight Women's Quartet-
Night Flight Quartet is all about entertainment. They have traveled the Puget Sound area as far north as Whidbey Island and as far south as Tumwater. They have sung for individuals, in a hospital room, on a floating dock, in a warehouse, in the deli of Fred Meyer — and they’d love to sing for you! In 2004, Night Flight fulfilled a dream when they were named the 5th Place Quartet medalists for North Pacific Region 13. The medals were the culmination of lots of hard work for us and the support of their friends and families. Imagine their thrill when they once again were named the 5th Place Quartet at the 2005 North Pacific Region 13 convention in April of 2005!

TWO TIME 5th place winners! That's incredible.

2. Gary Combs and Robert Fincham- Potomac River Grand Championship Fishing Contest-

Gary and Robert caught a total of 9 fish in the October, 2005 competition for a total of 27lb 1 oz of fish. The 5th place prize awarded them $700!!!

And last, but most certainly not least, and not 5th place again (just 3rd this time):

3. The Red Hot Peppers- Softball 12u "B" Super World Series. East Peoria, Illinois
I must add that the Red Hot Peppers actually tied for 5th place with the Gilroy Shockers and they still both got those huge plaques... Lucky.
So, there you have it! Those are just a FEW of the MANY people in this world who have gotten 5th place in some sort of competition. Although for the two softball teams, I gotta say: when you TIE for 5th place, that basically means you really got 6th place and they're just trying to be nice.

But that's just my opinion.


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