Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Beginning of the End

So today was the first day of school for us good ole Garlandites. Actually, it was the first day of school for like, the entire metroplex. But I noticed that like, FOX 4 news apparently has something against Garland because they listed like EVERY district in Texas that started today including like, May Pearl, but they neglected to mention Garland. ANYWAY. So today we get to school right and like, literally within 40 seconds of me walking in the door, I was told to tuck my shirt in. So I get my schedule and go to my first class, English, which apparently I have with the ENTIRE school because everyone was in there except for Deepa. This class made me happy because we turned in our journals and then immediately had a quiz on The Odyssey. Brooke also informed me that Ms. Connell talks, very, slowly... And when she did, I like DIED laughing inside, unfortunately I couldn't ACTUALLY laugh out loud. Then I went to choir which went just fine. Let me tell you though, choir made me sick. Like, literally. I don't know what it was, but like, the whole room smelled like burnt tires. IT SMELLED HORRIBLE, NASTY, RANCID. But anyway, that was just weird. Then I had Showboaters and we're goooooooooooooood. Then I had senior release, and went to Sonic and then went home. Tomorrow will no doubt be much more difficult for me, I mean, I have Economics with Dooley, Choir, and two computer classes... Now, I know you're wondering, did Adam make it through the entire day with his shirt tucked in?!?! Noooooooooope. I was very sneaky about keeping the front tucked in and keeping the back shirt tail covered by my messenger bag... OOO BAD ADAM. You know what? That goes along with the other worst thing I've ever done.

Let me tell you about my "worst thing I've ever done". One time I was going to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Carter, Molly, Bill, and Logan. Keep in mind that my parents knew I was going to see this movie the WHOLE time... So it's rated R right? And of course, they won't just let the older kids buy the ticket for me, so Logan blatantly says, "OK, We'll have 5 for Home on the Range" (the new Disney movie) and we proceed to go into the theater. So then Carter's like, "MAN, I can't believe I just spend $10 on a cartoon!" And I'm just like, "CARTER, we're not ACTUALLY gonna see Home on the Range" and it took him like, 5 minutes to realize that we were just gonna go into the other theater for Eternal Sunshine. So we "sneak" into the theater, and not kidding, Logan and I are like FREAKED out that we'll get caught for sneaking into a different movie. So like, we're imagining different scenarios where theater officials like catch us and are like WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF HOME ON THE RANGE? and we're just like I DONT KNOW!!! Of course, if this had actually happened to me, I would have said that the cows win because all Disney movies end happy, and it would just be sad if they killed off the cows. ANYWAY, we were never caught and nothing ever happened to us, but to this day we are still talking about how bad we are for doing that.

As I am writing this, I'm watching the Olympics, something that apparently NO ONE besides me and Whitney are doing. My sister didn't even know the Olympics were on right now until I told her... I realized that I do have an interest in the Olympics though because it is more individual sports than just team sports, I don't really like teams. I've watched some gymnastics and swimming and that's all pretty good. Whitney informed me that she's looking forward to the Handball competition. At least the Summer Olympics don't have the curling competition... I mean REALLY, when I saw curling I thought it was a JOKE, pushing a rock across some ice and like, brushing the ice really fast?! THIS IS A SPORT?! In this case, I could like, go to the Olympics for teeth brushing, I mean, I'm surprised there isn't like, a dog-walking competition if they're all worried about who pushes a stone better.

ANYWAY. I hope everyone had a good first day of school today, I ended mine by going to see Napoleon Dynamite again and then El Fenix... Gooooooood. And in the wise words of Mr. Napoleon Dynamite, "GAAAAAAAAAh, you FREAKIN IDIOT!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i LOVE handball! very excited :D


August 17, 2004 at 11:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the part where you actually had a signed note from your parents that said you were allowed to go to a rated R movie


August 18, 2004 at 12:12 AM


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