Saturday, August 07, 2004

Home Stretch

That's right, only one week left of your summer. Did you get done what you wanted to? I pretty much did, I went to Six Flags, went to LA, avoided my summer reading as long as I possibly could, played video games, saw about 30 movies (literally), worked a children's camp, etc. I mean, I will honestly say this has been my busiest summer (which some would say that isn't saying much, but oh well). One thing that I had intended to do this summer that didn't happen was change my screen name. Yes, ajruck2000 has actually been around since the year 2000. I wanted to get that out in the open, I didn't use "2000" as some means to make it sound like I was some spaceship or something, like the AdamRucker2000 Moonlander. Nothing like that, I just made that screen name between 7th and 8th grade which happened to be 2000. Now, I must say though, my screen name although is obviously "dated", there is another person's screen name that has definetely worn out its welcome. That is the screen name of Miss Whitney Redman. Yes, originated at the time of the first Charlie's Angels movie, this screen name has definetely been around too long. I mean, throughout its lifetime we've seen a sequel to Charlie's Angels (where they ditch Bill Murray for Bernie Mac), Drew Barrymore has been married like 4 times, Cameron Diaz has hooked up with Justin Timberlake, and Lucy Lui has not really done much of anything. Maybe if we all band together, we can see a change happen in the screen name world. This gigantic task however, can not be achieved alone, everyone must help and fight for your right for decent screen names.

Oh anyway, I'm sure everyone is tired of my bickering. So for now, so long, and have a pleasant tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...i like my screen name, thank you very much.

okay, i think i am just too lazy to change it, tell everyone i changed it, set all my preferences again...etc.

i'll change it when i go to college.


August 7, 2004 at 11:12 AM

Blogger Natalie said...

Hey Rucker!

Love the blog--be careful, it can become an obsession! I have two going right now and it's sad how much time I spend on them.

Take care,

Natalie B.

August 7, 2004 at 12:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh.....I miss you dearly. Come see you FAVORITE assistant at Sachse. I'm serious!!!!! Love you, Mrs. B

August 7, 2004 at 1:58 PM


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