Thursday, August 19, 2004

Chicken Fried Anything = God's Gift to the World

Seriously though yall. Anything that's chicken fried is like AMAZING. I mean, you've got your chicken nuggets, chicken fingers, chicken breast, pretty much the entire menu at Chick-Fil-A. But what does "Chicken Fried" REALLY mean? Because you can chicken fry steak, but that just sounds weird to me. SO, I took the time to look up just what "Chicken Fried" REALLY meant. The American Heritage Dictionary defines "Chicken Fried" as: <ADJ: Coated with batter and seasoned flour and fried.> Now, where the chicken got involved with this at all is beyond me. As far as I'm concerned, the chicken could not exist and we'd still have chicken fried steak and such, so why do they get credit for something they had nothing to do with? I think just to be fair, it should be called "Batter Fried", cuz like, WHO wants to have chicken fried Oreos? That just sounds gross (even though they are very tasty). Something I can never accept though is fried pickles. First of all, pickles should just not exist, especially those huge ones at football games; nothing good comes from those. They smell bad, they taste bad, and you make a terrible face while you're eating them because they're so sour. I am however, interested in the fried Twinkies. I've never actually HAD a Twinkie at all, but a fried one sounds really good. But seriously, chicken fried anything, is like AMAZING. Thank God for Chick-Fil-A because WOW, I could eat there all day (but I hardly ever eat there at all because they're all so far away). I also had a recent discovery of fried amazingness which is Chicken Express in Rowlett. It is TRULY incredible. The chicken strips are MY LIFE.

BUT anyway, I wouldn't suggest eating all of the things I've talked about too much though, unless you LIKE having clogged arteries and heart attacks...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that mama makes the best chicken fried anything... She was the inspiration for your chicken fried entry tonight and you didn't even give her props... Shame on you little bro...

August 20, 2004 at 12:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Bro, (your other name, accordingly to the anonymous posting above)
now that i see you've graduated to the chicken express level, i think you might be ready for chicken and rice. it is the most shady place you'll ever go, but well worth a visit and it's cheap! there's one at NW Hwy and Webb Chapel Ext. Oh yeah, and they only have two things there, chicken and rice.


August 23, 2004 at 4:27 PM


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