Looking for Something?
So guys, HOW WAS YOUR THANKSGIVING??? Mine I must say was quite wonderful. I spent the day at the house with the familia watching the parade, cooking lunch, and making Christmas lists... hehe. But ya, the turkey this year was wonderful and honestly made me quite sleepy.
The highlight of my day though (and also the inspiration for this entry's title) was me and the fam going to see Finding Neverland. Finding Neverland is about the writer and creator of Peter Pan (and don't worry, Michael Jackson does not make any appearances). It's a very, VERY good movie. I wasn't quite sure what to expect going into it but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Anyway, I'm not gonna spoil anything for you (I HATE when people do that) BUT GO SEE IT.
Last night I saw Christmas With the Kranks which was a good holiday movie. Although it was my second choice to The Polar Express in IMAX 3D which was sold out EVEN THOUGH we arrived at the theater a whole freakin HOUR early... Ticked me off. So ya, since I refused to see National Treasure (because, let's be honest, no one can top The Da Vinci Code and this was an OBVIOUS Da Vinci wannabe or what I call, Dawannabe... OK maybe that wasn't so funny but at least I tried) we saw Christmas With the Kranks. Based on the best-selling novel, Skipping Christmas by John Grisham, (currently available where all books are sold and the coffee table in my living room) 'Kranks' deals with a family who chooses to, you guessed it, SKIP Christmas. Once again, I won't be spoiling anything for those of you avid movie goers out there, but I will say that by the end of the movie you'll wish Frosty the Snowman never existed. And notice how Enrique, the boyfriend, only has an accent when he says his name: Enrique de Santa Cruz KLJASKJDIOJAWD (the random letters represent the rest of his name that was spoken so quickly that I couldn't understand it).
WOW. I just remembered that awful movie, Jack Frost, about a boy whose dad dies and is reincarnated as a snowman. Now, I never did see this movie but REALLY how good could it possibly be??? Next thing you know people will be coming back as Giga Pets and Tamagotchis...
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and is ready for the countdown to Christmas! Exactly one month till the big DAY O' GIFTS!!! WOOHOO!!!
Last night on the way to see Polar Express, I was disappointed to hear all of my friends tell me that I would not be a good teacher. I respect their opinion, but must disagree. You see, they based their decision on an in-car reading of The Polar Express, which I KINDLY offered to do. So here I am, very low lighting, attempting to read a Christmas classic and give it all of it's wonder by adding special elf and conductor voices, while they're goofing off, asking questions, and asking me to show them the pictures... OF COURSE I'm gonna get upset! Why ask questions?! There's nothing confusing about a mysterious train popping out of no where to steal kids from their homes and take them to the North Pole! So automatically that means I'd be a bad teacher?! Apparently they didn't think me telling the kids to "zip it and hold all questions until the story is finished" would be proper... Whatever... I'll show you! I'm gonna be the best kindergarten teacher there every was! HA!