Saturday, December 18, 2004

Countdown to Christmas and Animal INVASION!

OK so we all know that Christmas time is here. To be exact: there are only 7 more days until Christmas day! Crazy, I know. Of course I've done absolutely no shopping whatsoever and I haven't really gotten all into the Christmas mood, so to speak, yet. Never-the-less, I did attend a Christmas reunion party last night that officially ROCKED my socks off.

I must say the highlight of the party (besides the "Remember When" box, that was awesome) was what happened when I told the story of the animal in my attic.

First let me give you a little background info: yesterday me and my sister woke up to *SCRATCH SCRATCH SCRATCHING* coming from the ceiling. So, naturally we followed the noise that was coming from over our heads around the house to see where it was coming from. OF COURSE, it ended up that it, whatever it was, was making noise from atop my bathroom. It sounded however, like it was stuck between two walls. So anyway, immediately noticing that the air vent and hole for the light fixture in the ceiling would be amazing passageways for this rabid animal (I assume that any animal is rabid just to be safe, and it does add to the effect of the story) to come into my house. So I get all of my stuff out of the bathroom and shut the door just incase this thing decides to fall through the ceiling.

SO. I'm telling all the people about how we got to listen to this animal clawing for its life all day my behind the door in my bathroom, but say that I'm not sure WHAT animal it is. One of my friends responded with "it's either rats or squirrels." This comment prompted another person to respond with "RATCHET SQUIRRELS?!" Yes, they were serious... THE ROOM ERUPTS. Immediately we begin to imagine little squirrels walking around the attic with ratchets in their hands with a very deep bass voiceover saying, "RATCHET SQUIRRELS: Breaking in and tightening all the screws in the house." Ohhh... that was fun.

The rest of the night, and SERIOUSLY it was the ENTIRE rest of the night, we played the ever-so-popular Mafia card game. WOW that was wonderful.

Anyway, if you feel like spreading the Christmas cheer around to me, feel free to go out shopping and buy me a gift! YAY

The Rucker household HAS purchased, and the key word is PURCHASED, a Christmas tree! The only catch is that it has not made it into the house yet. Due to the THREE HOUR APPRENTICE FINALE we did not have time to set it all up. Which, by the way, I was very upset by who won the Apprentice. Kelly was just too stiff and shy to me. He ended the show by saying, "When Mr. Trump said I had won, I couldn't contain myself." And I forgot when "couldn't containing yourself" meant: sitting with perfect posture and having virtually no facial or vocal reactions to winning a $250,000 job with Donald Trump. But maybe that's just me...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for ratchet squirrels! Yay for Mafia alliances! And yay for my BF!!! -JJ

December 18, 2004 at 11:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get that tree UP already!!!
And, watch out for the ratchett squirrels! ;)

December 19, 2004 at 6:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol i know what im gonna get you for Christmas Adam. I'm gonna get a sign that says: "I CANT BELIEVE YOU THOUGHT I WAS YOUR AGE!!!!" wow! lol but seriously! wow.. anyway Happy Holidays and since i didn't have time to write you an intangible, i give you the award for.. and yes.. the BEST BLOG EVER!! visit my xanga sometime!! (check my pro)Have an awesome break! *nuthin but love* cyndy

December 19, 2004 at 7:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

c'mon new entry!

December 28, 2004 at 1:56 PM


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