Sunday, September 12, 2004

For Every Thing in Life, There is Purpose

OK so we're told that everything is on this earth for a reason right? I am SERIOUSLY having a problem seeing the reason behind the ant's existance. For real though. WHAT good has any ant ever done? I mean, we have seeing eye dogs, search dogs, and all other sorts of animals that contribute to human existance. But ants? All they do is make these huge homes made of DIRT and bite people! OK, so why am I so angry? I was down at the lake today, you know, minding my own business when I look down at my flip-flopped foot that has been COVERED in ants. AHHHH!!! I scream at the ants (as if they would hear my and understand that I'm mad) and quickly brush them off of my foot. Well GREAAAAAAAT. So now my foot starts getting really itchy and swelling up. At that point I condemned all ants in the world for their actions against mankind. I don't know if these ants were allergic to the coconut-based sun tan lotion on my foot or they were just some non-toxic ants, but luckily the swelling on my foot went away and I'm happy again. Don't get me wrong though, I still hate ants.

Let's go back now about seven years. My tenth birthday. Happy right? Well, I got this new toy called the STOMP ROCKET. AWESOME. OK so this rocket is set on a tube that's connected to a large balloon of air, so when you STOMP on it, the rocket shoots into the sky. So I'm out in my front yard right? Just having a grand ole time shooting this rocket when all of a sudden, it lands in the bushes next to my house. Naturally I go into the bushes to get the rocket right? Well once again, MY LUCK, as I'm getting the rocket. I step RIGHT into a GIANT pile of fire ants. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! My foot is ON FIRE. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND the madness of it all. I jumped so far out of those bushes that I could have won an Olympic medal. So fire ants right? They make these nasty white bumps wherever they bite. My ENTIRE heel was covered in them for like, the next two weeks. I couldn't put shoes or socks on it hurt so bad.

I sure this is all funny and entertaining for you, but it CERTAINLY wasn't for me, so I hope you're happy with yourself for laughing at a poor, helpless, and hurting child... You should be ASHAMED.

One more thing I don't see a purpose for in this world: Foley's Red Apple Sale. Seriously though. They have them EVERY week. Yet there are still people that are impressed by Foley's marking down their already over priced clothing up to 70%! I'm just tired of hearing/seeing all of their advertising that makes the Red Apple Sale look like something that only comes around once, when in actuality it makes as many appearances as Cher has had on her 10 year farewell tour. And THAT is all I have to say about that...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol u think u had a bad birthday?! flashback 8 years ago at my 8th Bday party. I had it at DZ (Discovery zone, which btw my friends were anticipating the entire week before!)it was all fun and games til we all sat down to have my cake presented n right as it came down in front of me i threw up all over it. my birthday ended right then and there.. oh and on the way home, i threw up in the car as well and we had to put up with the smell. GROSS. so much for a cool birthday party.-luv luv , Cyndy-

September 13, 2004 at 3:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA...that is the BEST story ever!

September 15, 2004 at 9:39 AM


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