Wednesday, September 15, 2004

What is the WORLD Coming To?!

Geez folks what's going on? Martha Stewart's going to JAIL! Today she requested that he judge send her to prison "as soon as possible." (So she can "get it over with and move on.") Martha, Martha, Martha! (If you say that like Jan Brady says "Marsha", it's pretty amusing) But seriously, here we have this woman who's never done anything wrong but help you waste money on Taiwanese-made goods from K-Mart, and she's going to JAIL! I can not IMAGINE what it will be like for her. I mean seriously, SERIOUSLY. She has so many decisions to make before she gets there. I mean, what count linens should she bring? What colors would best accent the features of her room, I mean, cell. I can't help but imagine all of the grief she will go through every day, they'll probably all make her do their laundry. Heck, I would if Martha moved in next to me. I'd have her cookin, cleanin, and making lots of those sculptures out of watermelons. TELL ME you've seen those, they can make all kinds of animals and what not just from watermelons and other sorts of fruits. I've also always wanted a giant ice sculpture. Those look really neat, although I don't think prisons carry the molds and other supplies required to make those, that's something I'd have to check on. BUT back to my main point. Who's next to go to jail? OPRAH?! OK let me tell you, the day Oprah does something bad enough to get sent to jail, we might as well all pack our bags and go because SERIOUSLY she's like the nicest person on earth. And even if Oprah DID get sent to jail, she'd probably just tape her show there, the inmates could be her audience and instead of cars maybe she'd give away catered meals or something (When you've had prison food for days upon days, a catered meal is like a miracle. BELIEVE me, I would know) OK so after Martha's out of jail (probably around March-April) she'll have another sentence of 5 months of "House Arrest" which in Martha's case they should just rename it, "Be Normal." She got to choose which of her luxurious houses she would be "locked up" in for 5 months and I'm sure it won't be that bad. I mean, if I was in jail for 5 months, I spend the next 5 months at home catching up on all the shows I had missed, so I'd be home anyway...

SPEAKING of K-Mart (I mentioned it earlier when talking about cheaply made foreign products) WHAT is the deal with their ad campaigns?! They have more commercials than the Gap and they aren't even in Texas anymore! I think I've had enough of the WB ones where the stars of Reba and Seventh Heaven strut around in K-Mart clothes. WHICH let me tell you, ANY of the clothes you see on those commercials like Target, Gap, or other clothing stores, you can NOT find in the store. It's impossible. And if you DO find the clothes, they don't look good on you anyway. Or wait, maybe that's just me...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adam........... It's not like Martha is going to a state penatentary or anything. She is going to a FEDERAL PRISON, that's where they send famous ppl..........
Devin H.

September 15, 2004 at 9:02 PM


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